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田徑選手傑西·歐文斯(Jesse Owens)深受虔誠愛主的雙親所影響,也成為一位信心堅定的基督徒。在1936年的德國柏林奧運會,歐文斯是美國隊中少數的非裔美籍運動員。他在仇恨其他種族的希特勒和納粹黨面前,勇奪四面金牌,並與一位德國運動員魯茲‧朗(Luz Long)成為朋友。在當時納粹氛圍濃厚的情況下,歐文斯仍活出基督信仰,進而影響了魯茲的生命。後來魯茲寫信給歐文斯說:「記得我第一次在柏林和你說話的時候,那時你正跪在地上,我知道你在禱告……我想,我也會相信上帝。」
Live. Pray. Love.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
Influenced by parents who were strong believers in Jesus, track star Jesse Owens lived as a courageous man of faith. During the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Owens, one of the few African Americans on the US team, received four gold medals in the presence of hate-filled Nazis and their leader, Hitler. He also befriended fellow athlete Luz Long, a German. Surrounded by Nazi propaganda, Owens’s simple act of living out his faith impacted Luz’s life. Later, Long wrote to Owens: “That hour in Berlin when I first spoke to you, when you had your knee upon the ground, I knew you were in prayer . . . . I think I might believe in God.”
Owens demonstrated how believers can answer the apostle Paul’s charge to “hate what is evil” and be “devoted to one another in love” (Romans 12:9–10). Though he could have responded to the evil around him with hate, Owens chose to live by faith and show love to a man who would later become his friend and eventually consider belief in God.
As God’s people commit to being “faithful in prayer” (v. 12), He empowers us to “live in harmony with one another” (v. 16).
When we depend on prayer, we can commit to living out our faith and loving all who are made in God’s image. As we cry out to God, He’ll help us break down barriers and build bridges of peace with our neighbors.
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文章出自: http://blog.udn.com/1698/128947250